Saluting an Exemplary Heart Surgeon
Cardiac surgery is not for the timid or nervy. In the operating room, there is no room for doubt. … Continue readingSaluting an Exemplary Heart Surgeon
Cardiac surgery is not for the timid or nervy. In the operating room, there is no room for doubt. … Continue readingSaluting an Exemplary Heart Surgeon
There’s a resurgence in Covid-19 cases, with more than 704m people being afflicted and 7m dead as of April 13, 2024, as per Worldometer Corona Virus estimates. There were 112m cases in the US, followed by 45m in India, 40m in France, 38m each in Germany and Brazil, 34m in South Korea, and 33m in Japan. Singapore ranked 41st with 3m cases. … Continue readingCovid-19 Cases Resurge
Some people may think it’s strange,
To prefer solitude over exchange.
But introverts know,
That they need time to grow.
Their inner world is their main range. … Continue readingCelebrating Introverts
They say the mathematically inclined can see the Fibonacci sequence in the spirals of a sunflower or a honeycomb of bees. The poetically inclined, on the other hand, can marvel maybe in the magic of math in lines of verse or stanzas that rhyme. … Continue readingCan you solve this riddle?