A mysterious new variant of Covid-19, dubbed the Singapore Strain,
is infecting people around the world. It changes the victims’ DNA
and manifests itself by altering perceptions and attitudes
to make them environmental activists and turns them
into Dynaborgs. A motley team of investigators
from America, Australia, Botswana, Britain,
Estonia, India, Singapore, & Sweden are
trying to unravel its secrets even as
they turn Dynaborgs themselves.
Is it as benign as it appears?
What are its origins?
Does it have the
potential to
wipe us

After his eye-opening exploration of the trade in human organs in “Organ Gold”, Raju’s newest medical thriller features an apparently benign variant of Covid-19 and a spellbinding detective story with twists and turns that will keep you spellbound until the shocking ending.
Mr Vikram Khanna, Associate Editor, The Straits Times, Singapore
The Singapore Strain reimagines a world in the alternate history genre that is not entirely impossible. Raju Chellam’s insights into the juxtaposition of tech and medical science, biodiversity and sustainability, and the future of humanity makes compelling reading.
Dr Chong Yoke Sin, Member of the Board, Mt Alvernia Hospital, Singapore
Raju Chellam has a remarkable gift for crafting gripping narratives. The Singapore Strain is an absolute masterpiece, propelling readers into uncharted territories of the mind. It is an eloquent and evocative narrative that feels both exhilarating and hauntingly plausible.
Prof Ashok Kumar Seetharaman, Director, Digital Government, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Raju has cleverly married his knowledge of medical science and information technology to create an ingenious tale about an undiscovered strain of the Covid-19 virus that modifies a person’s DNA to create an interesting, albeit intriguing, human. You cannot put it down until you have read all the way to the chilling ending.
Prof Alex Siow, Chair, Singapore National High Performance Computing Roadmap Committee
Written in the alternate history genre, Raju Chellam’s style adds a shocking layer of authenticity. The detailed descriptions, well-developed characters, and insightful observations contribute to the immersive nature of the storytelling. I highly recommend this book.
Mr Sam Liew, President, Singapore Computer Society
The Singapore Strain weaves an intriguing tale that blends the pandemic with the environment, high-tech, and the future of humanity. With every turn of the page, this techno-medical thriller keeps you enthralled with suspense, intrigue and mystery that makes this a must-read thriller.
Mr Chak Kong Soon, Chair, Information Technology Standards Committee, Singapore
The Singapore Strain manages to tread a delightful balance between a light-hearted read and compelling reflection on the defining issues of our time.
Mr Sonny Aswani, Former Honorary Consul of Estonia to Singapore
A poignant parable for our times. It deftly blends an epidemic with the environment, biodiversity, and sustainability. A must-read for all nature lovers.
Dr Chan Mun Kitt, Senior Director & Head, Executive Education, NUS School of Computing
“The Singapore Strain” positions Raju Chellam as an author of distinction who informs and educates even as he provides an impetus for a global debate on grim issues such as pollution, environmental degradation, and wanton destruction of habitats and their rich biodiversity.
Mr Sarosh Bana, Executive Editor, Business India
The Singapore Strain captures the very essence and fears of the times that we live in. Will artificial intelligence redeem us or doom us? Will a new strain of Covid-19 turn us into zombies and cause unimaginable misery? Can we as a human race ever learn to live in harmony with our environment? A thought-provoking book for our times.
Mr Sunil Rajguru, Editor, Dataquest India